Essentially everything boils down to relationships.  We want to take the risk of loving. When the Hebrew Scriptures are summed up in a few lines it turns out to be all about loving God.  When Jesus is asked what is God’s #1 expectation of human beings, it turns out to be loving God -- and #2 is loving our neighbors.   Jesus’ final command of his followers is to love one another within the church community. 

We seek to follow that passion and that connection.

That means helping out in Babylon Village and Suffolk County, and joining with other churches and agencies to help those in need and to connect with our faith.  It means going to Haiti and joining our partner church there.  It also means creating and sustaining many ways to be with each other -- using worship, studies, sports, service projects, mission trips, mentoring, community dinners, and small community groups.

It is clearly connecting with Jesus and practicing doing right among people.

It is clearly talking about what we believe. 

It is also about justice.